Payments by Cash

Payments by Cash is a feature that allows you to register a payment made offline by cash or cheque against an activity.

The reality of parental payments means that some parents/guardians may need to pay for activities using cash or cheque, rather than providing an online payment.

The Payments by Cash feature simply allows you to record and keep a full audit trail of payments that parents have made to the school in cash or by cheque, rather than using the Messenger Payments Cashless Catering system. As such, no actual money is exchanged through Messenger Payments when you update a Payment by Cash.

Getting Started

1) To pay for an activity by cash or cheque, click Payments by Cash from the Menu at the top of the page.

Menu payments by cash

Click image to expand.

2) From the Students panel on the left, type in at least the first 3 letters of a student’s surname and click Search.

Payments by cash

Click image to expand.
a. Scroll down to locate the student and click View outstanding activities under their name. 

Pay for Activities by Cash or Cheque

1) Under the Pay now? column, toggle Yes next to the payment you need to update.

2) From the options underneath, click on the Payment Method drop down menu to choose from: Cash, Cheque or BACS.

3) If the activity requires consent, you will need to obtain this before collecting payment. If you have received consent, just toggle this field to Yes.

4) Click Pay and Print Labels


Update payment by cash

Click image to expand.

Print Receipt

Upon a successful payment, you will be brought to the Payment Receipt page where there is the option to print the receipt.

Cash payment receipt

Click image to expand.