
Create a Template

As a Messenger Forms user, you will have access to several SchoolWorkSpace templates. These templates cover a range of topics that your school may need to communicate with parents, students and even staff. If a template displays the Messenger_forms_logo SchoolWorkSpace logo, or there isn't visible Edit button, this is a system template and can't be edited/deleted.

You also have the option to create your own templates that are more specific to the needs of your school. Any additional templates you create will be visible to all users at your school.

Form Templates have been designed to allow you to be in total control of how you want the template to look. This means you can be as creative as you’d like, and the preview functionality allows you to try different components and see what works best before publishing your template for other users.

You can find the step-by-step guide on how to create your own templates below.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

1) There are two ways that you can access Templates in Messenger Forms.

a. From your Messenger Tiles, click Form Templates under the Forms.


Parent Paperwork tile

Click image to expand.

b. Alternatively, if you are already in Messenger Forms, click SWS_-_templates_icon Form Templates from the side menu on the left.


Top Tip: Templates that you create will be accessible by all users at your school.


Messenger Forms: Templates side menu


2) From the Form Templates page, you will be able to see a list of existing templates.

a. You won’t be able to edit the system templates, distinguished by the lack of edit button Edit button under the Actions column.

3) To edit templates created by yourself or other users at the school, click edit button Edit from the Actions column.

4) If you need to create a new template, click Add new template from the top of the page.

Edit Template

1) In the Add Template pop-up box, enter a suitable Template Name, along with a Description of the template’s purpose. Click Submit to begin creating your template. If you are editing an existing template, ignore this step.

2) From the top of the page, select the default audience for the template. The audience can always be changed by users when using the template to create a form.

  • Parent regarding Student: Forms and Slips
    • Use when there are siblings in the group you want to send this form to and require information for each sibling (e.g. permission slip).

  • Parent direct: Forms and Surveys
    • Use for general messages (not personalised for individual students) so that parents of siblings only receive the form once.
  •  Student: Surveys and Questionnaires

    • Contact students directly, ensure that their email addresses are stored correctly in your MIS. 
  •  Staff: Forms and Surveys

    • Use if you need to send your message to staff members. Ensure you select this before searching for staff in the Add Recipients section.

 3) You can also update the Template Name, Description (visible to other users when selecting a template) and Category (can be changed by users when creating a form) if you need to do so.

4) Read through all the sections below on how to build your template.

5) When you are ready to make your new template visible to other users are your school, click Save from the bottom right corner.

Template Components

a. The template builder is split into two sections:

Template components: add fields that the Forms user will need to fill in, e.g. trip name, date.

Template Components

Template (For users) Component




Enter fixed text to the form.

This isn’t used as a template component very often, but an example use could be to provide internal info about this form to the user.

Section Divider

Add line break.

This isn’t used very often as a template component. A visual tool to break up sections that the user has to complete

Prompt for Text

Allows user to enter a short amount of information for the form. Whatever the user enters can also be used as a token in the message.

Name of the trip/event, name of the trip leader/teacher.

Prompt for Email

Allow the user to add an email token.

The email address of the emergency contact responsible for the trip/event.

Prompt for Date

Allow the user to add a date token.

Date of the trip, event etc.

Prompt for Phone

Allow the user to add a phone number token.

The phone number of the emergency contact responsible for the trip/event.

Upload pdf file

User will have the option to add a pdf file to the message. Will be visible to all recipients so must be generic information.

Information about the school trip i.e. destination, itinerary. A school newsletter.

Dropdown list of options

User can answer your question and this information can be used as a token in the message.

The user may need to select a mode of transportation, their reg/year group.

Multiple Choices

User can answer your question and this information can be used as a token in the message. Not used often

The user may need to select a mode of transportation, their reg/year group.


This field isn’t used very often as a template component.


Tickbox list



Space Divider



b. Form components: add fields that the recipient needs to use to respond to the form/survey, e.g. ability to provide permission for trip/activity.
Form Components

Form (For recipients) Component




Add a text editor. You can write a message and use any tokens that you added via the template components (see table above).

The body of the message that you wish to send to recipients: “Dear parent…”.

Section Divider

Add a line break.

A good visual tool to separate different sections of a longer form.

Prompt for Text

Allow the recipient to write a free form reply to the question you have asked.


Prompt for Email

Request an email address from the recipient

Confirming recipient’s email is up to date.

Prompt for Date

Allow the recipient to enter a date


Prompt for Phone

Allow the recipient to add a phone number.

Confirming recipient’s mobile/landline number is up to date.

Upload pdf file



Dropdown list of options

Recipient can respond by choosing one of the options for the question via a drop down (?)

Any food allergies/preferences, is consent given, will the student be picked up after the event?

Multiple Choices

Recipient can respond by choosing one of the options for the question via multiple choice format (?)

Providing consent, lunch option.


Parents can tick if they agree with the question/statement you have entered.

Can the parent assist in a school activity?

Tickbox list

Parents can tick more than one answer to the question/statement you have entered.

Any allergies the student may have, or other food preferences.

Space Divider

Used to create a visual space on the form for layout purposes.

Add extra space between form components.



2) Many components will give you the option to Make this a Required input. Ticking this option turns the component into a mandatory field for the user/recipient.
Make Required input

Advanced Options

With some components, you will see the Advanced Options section. Click on the Advanced Options bar expand additional optional fields.

  • Column Name: Recipients’ responses will be collated into the Responses page, and the column names will be made up of the question(s) you have asked. As such, this option is very useful when the question(s) that recipients need to answer are very lengthy.

For example, if one question is: ‘Do you think the amount of time given to complete homework is acceptable?’ - the column name displayed in the page will be the full question unless you add an alternative Column Name. In this example, the Column Name could be: ‘Time to Complete H/W’.

  • add a default value into the field for recipients to see when they open the form. This pre-filled field can then be amended by the recipient in their response.

Preview Template

The preview feature is helpful as you will be able to see template components come together, and we recommend trying this the first couple of times you create a new template.

1) Once you have added template components, click Preview from the bottom of the page.
2) You will be requested to enter the information required by the template components, e.g. Trip Name, Trip Date etc. When you are ready, click Next.
3) You will then be able to edit the content of the form (won’t change the template itself), as well as
seeing how template components make up the form.
4) Click Next when you are ready to see how recipients will view this message.