You can look at Message History in a few different ways:
Click image to expand. |
Clicking on any of the above options will show you the message history in the same format, but within different date ranges:
Click image to expand.
You will see a permanent record of all messages (in the selected date range) together with the following columns:
- Transmitted Date & Time: local information will be displayed
- Message Title: this refers to the message header
- Type of Message: Open and Closed messages refer to SMS messages. Broadcast will be displayed for other forms of messages (e.g. email)
- Sender: this will display the staff member’s Messenger username
- Delivery Status
- SMS/Xpressions/Voice/Email/Letter Count: confirming the number of that message type sent out to the recipients.
- Partner: If the messagewas sent via one of the Messenger Ecosystem modules, this information will be displayed.
Advanced Search
At the top of the History page (regardless of which date range you initially selected), you will be able to narrow or expand the list of results within a date range of your choosing.

Each column can be filtered by a number of different options. For example, if you needed to see all the messages sent by another member of staff, you would filter the Sent By column by clicking on the filter icon and selecting Contains. Then entering the username of the staff member you wish to view the messages of. For further information on how each filter can be a user, please see below.
Filter |
Meaning |
Example |
No Filter |
Clear Filtering and show all possible values for that column. Use between searches to reset the search and avoid cross-filtering. |
Contains | Shows search term anywhere in that row. | Searching for ‘Ben’ will return all results with these letters in the forename or surname: Benjamin, Benson, Corben etc. |
DoesNotContain | Shows values that do not have the search term anywhere in that row. | Preventing any results with ‘Ben’ in the forename or surname. |
StartsWith | Shows values that have the search term at the start of that row. | Using ‘Ben’ as a search term will return rows that start with this: Benjamin Smith, Ben Adams. It won’t return results that has ‘Ben’ as the start of a surname. |
EndsWith | Shows values that have the search term at the end of that row. | ‘Son’ as a search term will return any rows that end with this. E.g. results would include Ben Johnson, Alex Thompson etc. |
EqualTo | Shows values that match the search term exactly. | Trying to search for ‘Benjamin Smith’ will return this exactly. E.g. ‘Ben Smith’ will not be returned. |
NotEqualTo | Shows values that do not match the search term exactly. | The opposite of the above, search for ‘Benjamin Smith’ will also return other results such as ‘Ben Smith’ or ‘Ben Adams’. |
GreaterThan | Shows values that are larger than the search term.
To be used in fields returning numerical results. |
Dates should be entered as: dd/mm/yyyy
Times should be entered as: hh:mm:ss [need for an image? How will this fit] |
LessThan | Shows values that are smaller than the search term.
To be used in fields returning numerical results. |
Dates should be entered as: dd/mm/yyyy
Times should be entered as: hh:mm:ss |
GreaterThanOrEqualTo | Shows values that are larger than or the same as the search term. | On a numerical field you could search for days since a particular date inclusive of the date in the range. |
LessThanOrEqualTo | Shows values that are smaller than or the same as the search term. | On a numerical field you could search for days since a particular date inclusive of the date in the range. |
IsEmpty | There is no information in that column. | |
NotIsEmpty | Should be read 'Is not empty' i.e. filter out results that do not have an empty value in this column. | |
IsNull | Similar to IsEmpty. Use this if IsEmpty doesn’t appear to return results. | |
NotIsNull | Similar to NotIsEmpty above. Use this if NotIsEmpty doesn't appear to return results. |
Viewing individual messages
Click image to expand.
Message Summary
From the top left panel, you will see the Summary of statuses for the message you are viewing.
1) Select (Click here for chart) to view a pie chart detailing Email Recipients Analysis.
2) Clicking on any of the statuses will filter the list of recipients below, and only display recipients with that message status.
a. To remove the filter, simply click on
Message Statuses
Message Status |
Description |
Notes |
Messages delivered to handset | Message has been delivered successfully. | There may be a short delay, especially for large distribution lists, between submitting your message and it being sent by the SMS sending provider. You will see a status of 'submitted' until the message is either delivered or another status is returned. |
Submitted | There may be a short delay, especially for large distribution lists, between submitting your message and it being sent by the SMS sending provider. You will see a status of 'submitted' until the message is either delivered or another status is returned. | |
Messages not delivered during validity period | Message validity has expired as set by the SMS provider (standard 3 days). | |
Messages queued for delivery at SMSC | Message has left the SMS provider platform and been submitted successfully to Network Provider. | |
Messages rejected by operator | Message format / mobile number incorrect and not recognised by operator. | This status, depending on the network that is used, can be returned for the same error. |
Messages sent to unreachable recipient | Mobile Number deemed as unreachable due to a variety of factors. Number can be invalid (but correctly formatted) or other. | This status, depending on the network that is used, can be returned for the same error. |
Messages sent to handset with full SIM | Rare error that occurs. Most handsets forward the message from SIM card to phone memory. The error may occur on older handsets. | |
Messages SMSC was not able to send | SMSC was not able to find the handset’s network or the SMSC is/was down. This may not be the network itself, rather the transmitter tower dropping message packets. | |
Messages to user with no credit | Used for premium messaging. Networks usually sends a free text prompting to top-up before attempting to send the message again. | |
Messages with no response from Mobile Operator | When a message needs to be forwarded from one operator to another, issues may occur between them and this error could be returned if the retry schedule has exceeded the allowed limit. | |
Messages queued for delivery at Dynmark | Message still inside the SMS provider platform and awaiting submission to network. | |
Messages deleted by user | Message status was manually updated to “deleted” from the SMS provider platform. Cannot be resent. | |
Messages refused | Message has been refused by Network without attempting to forward to other Network or handset. | This status, depending on the network that is used, can be returned for the same error. |
Delivered | Message delivered to handset. | |
Buffered | Message buffered, usually because it failed first time and is now being retried. | |
Failed | The message failed to deliver. | |
Expired | Message expired, could not be delivered within the validity period. | |
Rejected | Message rejected by SMSC. | |
Error | SMSC error, message could not be processed this time. | |
Unknown | Unknown status, usually generated after 24 hours if no status has been returned from the SMSC.- or -SMSC returned a non standard status code. |
Message Status |
Description |
Notes |
Processed | Message has been received and is ready to be delivered. | There may be a short delay, especially for large distribution lists, between submitting your message and it being sent by the email sending provider. You will see a status of 'submitted' until the message is either delivered or another status is returned. |
Submitted | There may be a short delay, especially for large distribution lists, between submitting your message and it being sent by the email sending provider. You will see a status of 'submitted' until the message is either delivered or another status is returned. | |
Delivered | A delivery is recorded when a request to send an email results in an email being delivered to the end recipient. However, delivered does not necessarily mean that your email is in the recipient’s inbox. Delivered means the message was accepted by the receiving server, but does not necessarily mean the message reached the inbox. | If an email is indicated as delivered you can be certain that it was not deferred by the ISP. |
Clicks & Unique Clicks | The “Clicks” statistic is the total number of times your users have clicked on the various links within your emails. “Unique clicks” represents the number of unique individuals that have clicked the links in your emails. This requires that the Click Tracking app be enabled by the email provider. | |
Opens & Unique Opens | The email provider inserts a small, transparent image into all messages that are being tracked for Opens. When the client application loads images, it pulls the image data from the email provider servers and registers an Open event. | Not all email clients load images by default. Microsoft’s Outlook, Apple’s, Mozilla’s Thunderbird, and Google’s Gmail do not load images. As such, there may be many occasions where recipients will have received a message, opened it, and even clicked on a link, and it will never be counted as opened. This requires that the Open Tracking app be enabled. |
Unsubscribes | In order to maintain compliance with CAN-SPAM laws, any email that is sent in bulk to a mass audience must include a subscription management link. Email providers can provide a “Subscription Tracking” app that automatically adds this link to your emails. When someone clicks that link within their email, they are added to your “unsubscribe” list. Any recipients that are added to this list will be excluded from future mailings. | It’s no surprise that sending messages to addresses that have explicitly unsubscribed from any of your email messages is detrimental to your reputation as a sender. While this functionally only applies to one-to-many message formats (i.e., newsletters) and not to transactional email messages, make sure to include subscription management functionality in your marketing newsletters and other mass messaging. |
Dropped | You may see the following drop reasons:
These individual statuses usually indicate an error at the recipient end. |
Deferred | Recipient’s email server temporarily rejected message. | For example the recipient may have anti-virus scanning software the has quarantined the message temporarily. The email system will retry until the message is either delivered or another status is returned. |
Bounce | Receiving server could not or would not accept message. | The email address may be invalid. |
Spam Report | Recipient marked message as spam. |
Message Status |
Description |
Notes |
Created | The message has been created in the user’s Xpressions account. | In Xpressions Timeline Activity column. |
Delivered | Message has been delivered successfully. | |
Delivered Late | Message couldn’t be sent within the validity period. | You can enable Messenger to send a backup SMS if the Xpressions message fails to deliver after a certain amount of time from your Account Settings. |
Device offline, SMS sent |
Where a backup SMS has been set up (in Account Settings), an SMS will be sent if an Xpressions message could not be sent. | |
Opened | User has opened their Xpressions account (either on the App or Desktop). | |
Replied | User has sent a reply from their Xpressions account. | |
Sent | This may sometimes appear immediately after you have sent your message, and there is a short delay before the message is delivered. | |
Submitted | There may be a short delay, especially for large distribution lists, between submitting your message and it being sent by the email sending provider. You will see this status until the message is either delivered or another status is returned. |
Message Status
Description |
queued | The call is ready and waiting in line before going out. |
in-progress | The call was answered and is currently in progress. |
completed | The call was answered and has ended normally. |
failed | The call could not be completed as dialled, most likely because the phone number was non-existent. |
no-answer | The call ended without being answered. |
cancelled | The call was cancelled via the REST API while queued or ringing. |
TryNumber'n' | Where 'n' is a value between 1 & 3.Where there are multiple numbers for a contact and the 'Send To/Via' option is configured appropriately the system tries each number sequentially, up to a maximum of 3 numbers per contact, when it encounters a failure. If it has tried all numbers available multiple times (as configured in voice settings) the status will change to either failed, or complete as appropriate. |
Busy |
If the call is made, but the recipient is using the phone at the time, then the call will not be able to get through. If there isn’t an answer machine capability, then no answer machine message will be left, and the response we get back from the voice provider system is ‘busy’. |
Ringing |
‘Ringing’ applies to those calls that are not answered and who do not have an answer machine, or if an answer machine message is not created. The phone will ring for 30 seconds, and then the call will disconnect. |
Outgoing |
Some Telecom providers can have several pre-recorded scripts that are played, if the number has a certain ‘status’. If the system tells the voice sender the status is ‘outgoing’, the Telecom provider played the following message: “The number you have dialled has been changed to…” |
Far End Disconnect |
This occurs when the recipient network plays a messages, e.g. “The number you have dialled has not been recognised.” or “The number you have dialled does not receive incoming calls”. If this is a mobile number, it might be that there were problems with the mobile network provider, or there was poor signal.If the number is a landline number, the telephone number may have been disconnected. |
Network Disconnect |
This is when the number isn’t active. “Sorry. The number you have called is not available.” This means that at the time of trying to connect the call, the telephone number wasn’t available. |
Connected |
AnsweredWhen the call is picked-up by the recipient. |
Answer machineWhen the call hasn’t been picked by a ‘person’, but has been picked up by an answer machine. This option is only available when an answer machine message has been created. | |
No responseWhen the call is picked-up, the system needs to ‘know’ whether it’s playing the normal message, or the answer machine message.If it recognises a ‘human’ voice answering the call, then the normal message will be played. If there is disturbance on the line, or if the recipient of the call is very quiet, then the system will play a standard ‘test’ message.
“You have a call waiting. Press any key to connect…” If the recipient presses a key, the message will begin. If no key is pressed, then it assumes it has reached an answer machine, and will connect to the answer machine within the phone. If the phone is put down here, without any keys being pressed, then the system returns the status ‘No response’. |