Getting Started
There are a number of reports that you can run within Messenger to view anomalies outdated information. Before running any report, it is advisable to run an MIS sync to ensure any last minute changes to your MIS are picked up by Messenger.
Follow the steps below to locate the reporting feature and choose the relevant report.
1) From your Admin account, click Metrics from the side menu on the left of the page. Then click Data Quality Reports.
Click image to expand.
a. If you don’t see this option on your menu, contact your school administrator as they will be able to check your account permissions.
2) From the wizard you see on the next page, toggle next to the report(s) you wish to run, then click Next Step.
4) You will then see a pop-up letting you know that you will receive an email (to the email address used to create your Messenger account) once this data is ready for you.
5) In the email that you receive, you will be either notified of incorrect records or that there were no results found for the report that you requested.
a. If incorrect records are found, you can locate this information from your Messenger account. Click here to find out how you can access the reports.
b. If no results are found for the selected report, you should still confirm the sync status with your MIS to ensure that there are no issues with the data you are seeing for parents in Messenger.
Top Tip: If you have already run a Data Quality Report (e.g. for Failed Emails), running the same report again at a later point will overwrite the existing report.
Type of Report | Purpose | Checks to make in your MIS |
Contacts without an Email Address | Will return a list of parents that do not have email addresses in Messenger | Any changes made in your MIS will update in Messenger overnight or with a manual resync from Xporter. |
Contacts without a Mobile Number | Will return a list of parents that do not have a mobile number in Messenger | Any changes made in your MIS will update in Messenger overnight or with a manual resync from Xporter. |
Contacts with a Malformed Email Address | Will return a list of parents with invalid email addresses | Emails will only be recognised by Messenger when stored in the correct format: ID@domain.tld (e.g., |
Contacts with a Malformed Mobile Number | Will return a list of parents with invalid mobile numbers. | Ensure that mobile numbers are the correct number of digits and that the phone number location for parental contacts is set as mobile in your MIS. |
Contacts where Email has Failed Previously | Will return a list of parents that have had an email message bounce back. | Could be an error with an email address that does not exist. The message will be sent by Messenger, but will be rejected by the receiving domain. This is default behaviour and is not specific to Groupcall. Other errors include the user having a full inbox. |
Contacts where SMS has Failed Previously | Will return a list of parents where the last attempt to send an SMS failed. | |
Contacts who have never used Xpressions | Will return a list of parents that have never logged into Xpressions. | |
Contacts Who Have Stopped Using Xpressions | Will return a list of users who have logged out of Xpressions. | |
Students of a Certain Age | Will return a list of students (and their parental contacts) within the date of birth range you have selected. |
View Data Quality Reports
Once you have successfully run a Data Quality Report following the above steps, groups containing the relevant students will become available in Messenger and can be utilised like any other group you have access to in Messenger. This means they will be searchable when using any of the Wizards or from Advanced Messaging.
- If you are running reports to locate data anomalies, you should view the groups via Advanced Messaging as you will have the option to export the groups to Excel.
- If you are running reports to identify a group students and parental contacts, with the intention of contacting them, you can locate the groups via either Advanced Messaging or the Wizards.
View from Wizards
1) From your Tiles (Homepage), choose the relevant Wizard to send a group message.
2) When prompted to search for a group, begin typing: Data Quality into the search bar as this will provide you with the list of Data Quality groups.
3) Click on the group(s) you wish to contact and continue through the rest of the wizard. If you are unsure of how to send a message via the Wizards, click here to view the instructions.
View from Advanced Messaging
1) Click on Advanced Messaging from the side menu on the left.
2) From Advanced Messaging, click on the small green arrow next to Data Quality from the Search panel on the left.
3) From the list of reports, click on the report you wish to view.
4) After selecting the group you wish to contact, you can send a message as normal. For steps on how to send a message, click here.
5) Alternatively, you will be able to export this group by click on Export to Excel. This will be useful in helping you to identify parents that do not have the correct/ up to date contact information in your MIS.
Click image to expand.