Getting Started
Your school data is automatically synced from Messenger to Messenger Forms. To ensure that Messenger Forms works successfully for the school and parents, it is important to maintain contact information in your MIS. Group data will also be pulled across, but this does not include any Saved Groups that you have created in Messenger.
You will need to log into Messenger to access Messenger Forms. The Messenger Forms tile should be visible from your Tiles (Homepage). If you don’t see this tile on your homepage, contact your school administrator to check your permissions.
Click image to expand.
Main Features
The main features of Messenger Forms can be accessed from the Tiles (Homepage). Just click one of the following options from the tile: Dashboard, Students, Parent Slips or Create New Slip. Clicking on any option will take you to the relevant feature within Messenger Forms interface.
Dashboard |
Students |
Parent Slips |
Create New Slip |
See insights & analytics of all slips sent and returned. Create new slips. View any outstanding actions waiting on you to complete. Review any parents that have not received slips. Business & Environmental Savings will give you an idea of how much your school has saved so far. |
View a list of all students at the school. View student details including contact information, groups they are linked to and the status of slips sent home. Locate individual students and classes.
View a list of all slips created for parents. Check the status of each slip: How many were sent, how many have responded, when the slips are due etc. Archive slips.
Use Template forms to create new slips.
Help and Support
Messenger Forms is a trusted Groupcall partner and provide their own set of comprehensive guides should you ever require any assistance. From the top right corner of every page, you will see the Help button. Click Help to view the Help and Support guides.